A person who has made a difference: Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein is a well-known physicist even though he had many problems in his educational background. When he was child, he could not grow normally like other children. He also didn’t pass the final secondary school exam and failed entering Zurich University. He had many different ways in thinking and solving the problems with his teachers and lecturers that cause them to presume Albert was the dull person.

His “different way” in thinking and solving his problem made him feel free to think anything with anyways. He developed some spectacular physics theories without having to obey old theories, such as special and general relativity, mass-energy equivalence, and photoelectric effect.  Nowaday, his theory, mass-energy equivalence, E=mc2, and general relativity are the most famous formula in physics. On contrary, at that moment this theory was not received. After he got nobel prize in phycics for his theoritical phycics theory, photoelectric effect, some scientists started to turn their ways in thinking. Later, this theory took the main rule in quantum theory.

He had changed the viewpoint of physicist from Classical Mechanics (Newtonian mechanics) into Quantum mechanics. He had changed the scientists’ opinions about gravity, energy, time and space, and electron’s behavior. He has regarded as the father of modern physics.

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