National Exam = National Stress, no longer relevant

National Exam commonly abbreviated as UN/UNAS is a standard evaluation system of primary and secondary education in Indonesia and the equation of quality of education levels. There are subjects that require and determine a high minimum competency achievement, while other subjects did not specify that high. This situation becomes unfair for students, because students have their own capabilities, the subjects examined are not the representative of all, and it neglects the local potential of each area in Indonesia.

As initial, every student is unique and has his/her own capability. The competence of students is not only in cognitive area, but also affective and psychomotor ones. They have not to able in math only, but they can be good in sport or music. Ronaldo, Messi, and Rhoma Irama are the example of success people in their capacity although they do not get the high score in math, physics, and chemistry. In short, there is no body stupid in this world and national exam is not relevant to judge that someone passes the graduate or not.

The next reason, six subjects for senior high school and four subjects for junior high school is not the representative of all subjects in three years learning. In three years learning, students have learnt many things, cognitive as well as affective and psychomotor. Ki Hadjar Dewantara said education is about “educating the head, the heart, and the hands”.[1] Three years of studying a dozen subjects and students’ future is decided by only six or four subjects. This is not fair. As I have noted, all of subjects in three years learning have to be the tool in knowing student capability.

The last reason, national exam neglects the local potential of each area in Indonesia. As it is named the national examinations, there should be uniformity and standardization across the nation. But, should education neglect the local potential of each area? As an archipelago with more than 17,000 islands, Indonesia has different ethnic groups that are too rich and too diverse to be unified. There are many differences, condition of school and culture of education, in Indonesia that can not be generalized. In Java, education takes big portion and attention in the family, but it does not in other area, like Papua. The ministry should not give the same questions to students all over Indonesia, whose schools, teachers and education processes differ from one another? In other word, the gap between the quality of teaching in urban and rural areas is very wide and national exam is not relevant for Indonesian education.

All in all, national exam as the requirement and graduate determinant is not relevant and has been a cause of students and the parents’ stress toward the exam. Government should know that the exams are given as a measure of the education standards they can expect at the school. Graduating from high school should be determined by those teaching at the school, and not the state.

by: Muhammad Zamhari

[1] Theo Riyanto, Pemikiran Ki Hajar Dewantara Tentang Pendidikan, tanggal 9 Mei 2012

The Reasons in using Android as OS

Android is a phenomenon in information and communication technology. Android, operating system (OS) for mobile devices like smartphones and tablet computers, is thriving system that allows the users to constantly improve. OS which is purchased by Google Inc has been the favorite for the users because of many reasons, such as providing free smart applications and multitasking.

Users, in general, much prefer Android because it provides smart application that meets their needs and updated automatically. These are available in “play store”, formerly “android market”, which can be accessed freely. This online software store allows the users to browse and download required applications. At least, 300,000 applications are available there. Obviously, Android is convenience without a price attached.

Subsequently, OS that is represented by a green round headed robot figure allows for multitasking. Multitasking, somehow, is the ability to run more than one application at a time. The users, in Android, can run multiple applications easily. When the users want to switch to another application; they simply tap the home button or another icon. It allows listening music, browsing, or running other applications at same time. In other word, Android allows the users do many things at a time.

Last of all, convenience provided by Android has been the reason why people choose this OS in their mobile devices. Operating system as the consideration in buying mobile devices to meets the needs is the wise reason.

by: Muhammad Zamhari

Water is the unique substance in our life

Water, molecule is made up of two hydrogen atoms bonded to an oxygen atom (H2O), is essential and indispensable substance for life. Water takes an important role in this life. Even, earth is the most different and comfortable planet because of this existence. This anomalous molecule has many unique and unusual characteristic, such as universal solvent, transparent, unique density, heat capacity, and surface tension.

First of all, water is almost a universal solvent. The characteristic caused by its polarity allows the ability in dissolving most compounds. Oils and fats, as the exceptions, can not be dissolved by water because of the differences of polarity. Water used in dissolving salt, tea, coffee, sugar, and other useful substance. In the same way, oxygen is dissolved to water and allowed fish and other water animal respire. It also carries nutrients to the cells and washes out hands and clothes. In short, water, as universal solvent, allows the life running normally.

Transparent, allowing light to pass through so that objects behind can be distinctly seen, is the next unique characteristic of water. It allows sunlight enters to the seas, rivers, and other bodies of water and photosynthesis occur in there. Oxygen and food, as the result of photosynthesis process, are provided in the body of water and allow the Aquatic life. In brief, transparent is unique characteristic of water that allows the aquatic life occurs.

The density, the next unique characteristic, is the ratio between the weight of an object and its volume. Water is very unusual substance because it is often found in all three physical states, liquid, solid, and gases. The density is 1 kg/L when it is cooled until about 4oC and then it comes down. As a consequence, solid ice is lighter than water. Observable, solid ice floats in liquid water, and the air contains invisible water vapor. Therefore, it allows the aquatic life under the ice and/or the polar.

High heat capacity, as one of unique characteristics of water, takes an important role in controlling global climate. It is able to store a large amount of heat energy. Temperatures change slowly when changing form (phases) from liquid to solid to gas. Ice is slow to melt and water is slow to boil. Water is the most abundant substance on the planet and the body. It makes earth temperature more stabile than the other planet and human body cool when sweat. High heat capacity, in other word, allows the temperature of earth be comfortable to live in.

The last one, surface tension makes water behave as if it had a thin, elastic skin. The skin that covers water is not very strong, and heavy objects pass straight through it. However, some insects, like the water skater, are so light in weight they can actually walk on the skin without breaking the surface. It is different with floating. It is because the force of gravity acting on water is not enough to overcome the forces that create surface tension. As I have noted, surface tension is the unique characteristic of water that can not be found in other substances.

Undoubtedly, water, with unique characteristics, takes important roles in life and allows this life running well. These characteristics will be existed as long as people keep the water in the real condition. So, keep the water away from the pollutants.

by: Muhammad Zamhari

Good regulations in reducing traffic jams and pollution

Indonesia’s road transport has increased dramatically over last two decades. Uncontrolled transportation happened in some big city like Jakarta, Surabaya, and Jogjakarta causes many problems, like traffic jam and pollution. The increasing number of personal vehicles causes these problems. Good regulations have been made to solve these problems.

Public transportations utilization could be the initial way to reduce traffic jam and pollution. Traffic jam is caused by the increasing of vehicles in road and imbalance of road and vehicles. The booming of vehicles in road produces many dangerous gases, like carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, and other green house gases. They could make air pollution and cause environment decay, like acid rain and global warming. Decreasing personal vehicle and suggest people to use more public transportation are the alternative ways to reduce traffic jam and pollution.

The other way to reduce traffic jam and pollution is increasing fuel price for personal vehicles. It is expected to decrease the number of personal vehicles and compel people to use public transportation. Increasing personal vehicles has a great impact in traffic jam and causes pollution. In short, increasing fuel price for personal vehicle will compel, not only suggest, people to change their ways in transportation.

“Car free day” implementation is one thing can be done to reduce traffic jam and pollution. Car free day implementation will make road be accessible and free from pollution. People will not use motor vehicle which can produce pollution and make environment be better. Directly, car free day has great impact to reduce traffic jam and pollution because it will remove motor vehicle from road and pollution which is caused by motor vehicle.

In conclusion, public tranpostation utilization and suggest people, even compel, to use more will reduce traffic jam and pollution. Good regulation by government and execution by citizen will create better condition of transportation and environment.

by: Muhammad Zamhari

The Positive and Negative Effects of Facebook to Children

Nowadays, facebook, a popular social network for societies, is used by adults to children. It is used because facebook gives satisfaction to users. Somebody uses it to businesses, to friendships, to communities, etc. Almost users are helped by facebook. Undeniable, facebook gives many advantages and disadvantages, no exception for children.

Children use facebook for many purposes like friendship, self expression, etc. Facebook gives many advantages for children. Facebook is social network which can be used by everybody easily and it is easy way to communicate with others. Children can make community, as their hobby, their schoolmate, and other favorite things. It makes them be better in understanding about the community and they can learn something to improve their hobbies. Children can access facebook from their homes. It makes them get closer with family.

Facebook is easy way to express something. Children can express or give some informations from facebook. It makes children be introvert and express everything in their brain. It helps them to understanding each other in their friendship. They will know the condition of their friends from facebook and they can make good communication from the wall or chat.

In the other hand, facebook has negative effects for children. Facebook can make the users be addicted. They will be fidgety when they do not open their account for some interval of time. Even, some children spend their time in front of the computer just to open their account. They will fell something lost when they do not open their account. They will think that facebook is indispensable thing in their life.

Addictive effect makes them spend their time for facebook. Some children lose their times to learn. Even, it is waste of time. Children can not manage their time because they do not know that facebook is not really important for their life. They will get virtual friends but they will lose some real friends. It is pathetic. Is short, they will lose their time and their childhood because of facebook.

In conclusion, facebook will give advantages or disadvantages for children depend on their selves. If they can manage their time in using of facebook and use it for important purposes, they will get advantages. They can do it by parents’ helps. Parents play important roles in controlling of facebook. They can accompany their children in using of facebook.

by: Muhammad Zamhari

form evaluasi ppm 2012

Evaluasi PPM 2012 akan diadakan hari rabu, 11 April 2012 jam 13.00 di ruang meeting room

form evaluasi ppm 2012 bisa diunduh dihalaman download untuk kemudian didiskusikan kepada teman-teman sekelompok agar semua masukan bisa tertampung dan tersampaikan dengan baik. terima kasih

muhammad zamhari



Nama : ……………………………………… NIM : ……………………………………… Prodi : ……………………………………… Tempat PLP : ………………………………………

Petunjuk: 1. Mohon mahasiswa mengisi angket berikut sesuai dengan kenyataan yang sebenarnya. 2. Isi/jawaban dari angket ini tidak berpengaruh pada penilaian akhir dari mata kuliah PLP yang sedang Anda tempuh. 3. Jawaban Anda untuk mengisi angket ini harus mewakili semua mahasiswa yang PLP di sekolah Anda. 4. Jika ada isian yang harus rinci per prodi, tulislah prodi yang bersangkutan. 5. Isilah jawaban di halaman kertas sebaliknya jika tidak mencukupi.


1. Kapan Anda diserahterimakan ke sekolah latihan oleh Koordinator DPL?

2. Bagaimanakah tanggapan pihak sekolah terhadap mahasiswa PLP dari Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi UIN Sunan Kalijaga?

3. Kegiatan observasi apa saja yang sudah Anda lakukan di sekolah?

4. Praktik persekolahan apa saja yang sudah Anda lakukan di sekolah?

5. Apakah Anda harus membuat RPP setiap kali Anda akan latihan mengajar? Jika “ya”, kepada siapakah Anda berkonsultasi?

6. Sudah berapa kali rata-rata mahasiswa latihan mengajar ? (Bisa diisi per prodi)

7. Apakah semua DPL sudah melakukan monitoring latihan praktik pembelajaran ke sekolah?

8. Kendala apa saja yang Anda hadapi selama kegiatan PLP di sekolah?

9. Apa saja masukan/saran untuk Pengelola agar pelaksanaan PLP yang akan datang menjadi lebih baik?


Assalaamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

Diberitahukan kepada seluruh mahasiswa Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi yang mengambil mata kuliah Program Latihan Profesi (PLP) bahwa Orientasi PLP akan dilaksanakan pada

Sabtu, 1 Oktober 2011 jam 09.00 WIB

di Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi.

Demikian, atas perhatian dan kerjasamanya diucapkan terimakasih.

Wassalaamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.


Yogyakarta, 27 September 2011

Ketua Pengelola PPM dan PLP

Winarti, M.Pd.Si.

NIP. 19830315 200901 2 010




kelompok PLP 2011

Pembagian kelompok PLP 2011 dapat didownload di halaman download

Jika terjadi perubahan yang mendadak maka akan diberitahukan kemudian.

terima kasih

Muhammad Zamhari

The Last Meeting of English Club


English Club has eight meetings. The last meeting will be hold on Tuesday, August, 16th 2011, at 5 pm. All of the members hopefully come at the meeting. the program is breakfasting together. At that meeting we can meet our friend and share anything we had. Even, we can make the following program to improve our English.

English is more about habit, so we have to use it as often as we can. Make the other English club, or join with English club in Faculty is one of ways to improve our capability.  by this language we can breakthrough this world and get more advantage things in our live. So, keep improving our English.
